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The Best Small  Gifts for  Tweens

stocking stuffers, advent calendars, & Hanukkah: we've got you covered!

These gifts are sure to be a hit, here are  a few of my favorites...

small gifts for tweens to fit any budget (or no budget!)

Pac-Man,  Frogger, Galaga,  & other classic  video games the size of a credit card!

How cool is this? I want one for myself!

LED Charging Cord: multiple colors to choose from

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Squirell Finger Puppet

So weird but by far the hit of last year's advent calendar!

Craft  Projects

check out my suggestions  for low-cost fun craft gifts!

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I may regret I bought this, but they will definitely enjoy it!

I have tips on how to make these easily from home!

"Coupons" for activities & special events

For 35+ different gift ideas for tweens of all genders, tap above to read