What I Wore Off the Blog: Casual Looks Edition
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What I Wore Off the Blog: Casual Looks Edition

The self-timer on my iPhone and this handy (and nicely priced) Bluetooth phone remote have helped me capture more of what I’ve worn off the blog.  These are all casual looks as my nicer ensembles got captured and shared as true outfit posts.  What I wear on weekends, early mornings, when I’m sick, and when… Continue Reading What I Wore Off the Blog: Casual Looks Edition

What I Wore: On the Beach
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What I Wore: On the Beach

Greetings from Santa Barbara! If you’re following me on Instagram you know I’m in California for a blogging conference as the guest of the beauty company L’Occitaine. It’s such a beautiful part of the country, I’ve never been here before. In fact, every other time I’ve been in California it’s been for short trips, less… Continue Reading What I Wore: On the Beach