I Call Bullsh*t On Celebrity Menopause Brands

I Call Bullsh*t On Celebrity Menopause Brands

I am so effing OVER celebrity brands. We grew up with C-list actors on late-night infomercials and familiar faces from previous decades shilling long-term care insurance. Then a few industrious famous folk created products or added their name to products sold on QVC and HSN. Sometimes these celebrities created the actual products; more often than… Continue Reading I Call Bullsh*t On Celebrity Menopause Brands

Thank you Gen X for the Menopause Discussion

Thank you Gen X for the Menopause Discussion

Thank you Gen X for the Menopause Discussion Menopause is having a moment and I think the reason is because Gen X is going through it. My generation has never been one to keep quiet when they are annoyed, frustrated, angered, or disgusted. And we’re annoyed, frustrated, angered, and disgusted that previous generations suffered in… Continue Reading Thank you Gen X for the Menopause Discussion

I Said I’d Never Take HRT for Perimenopause…

I Said I’d Never Take HRT for Perimenopause…

I have never been one to be uncomfortable at the gynecologist. Maybe it was upbringing with the latest version of Our Bodies, Ourselves in the living room and parents who were very open with us kids about how bodies work and how to take care of them, maybe it’s just my nature. Whatever it is,… Continue Reading I Said I’d Never Take HRT for Perimenopause…