New Look!

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I have been working with reader and friend ZenRose and she has helped me create the new banner for this blog. Be patient as we get all the kinks out, but I am so excited to have this blog's look really come together.

Big thanks to ZenRose, who took my “eh, I dunno what I want” into a real concept for this blog. Stop on by her blog or website for a little love and to see what's she's up to, or if you too are looking for some graphic design assistance!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. One thing is this is a fluid template, so it changes it’s size to fit your window. If you have your IE/Firefox/etc. window small, you’ll still see all three columns, just that the center one will be more narrow.

    I am considering changing this site to having the center column fixed as that I post less large pictures on here than I do on my other blog. Then it won’t seem so smooshed.

  2. I, too, like the blue, and the bubbles. I’m not crazy though about the layout–I don’t like the main text squeezed into the center column. On your other blog, the main text doesn’t start until well below the side columns (if that makes sense). On the other hand, this is a great blog, which I visit almost every day, so the layout is really secondary.

  3. I love it, and am so glad it’s not another pink blog. Why is it that anyone who writes about fashion or beauty makes their blog pink?

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