The End of More Magazine – What Went Wrong?

The End of More Magazine – What Went Wrong?

Not too long ago, MORE Magazine shuttered after almost two decades. Claiming the recession and advertising challenges in the luxury marketplace, Meredith Corp. ended this publication, laying off around 30 individuals. Over the years, More has changed its demographic to appeal to women in their 30s instead of those over 40, and also switched to… Continue Reading The End of More Magazine – What Went Wrong?

Friday Favorite: Samsung NX 3000 Camera – Perfect for Camera-Unsavvy Folks!

Friday Favorite: Samsung NX 3000 Camera – Perfect for Camera-Unsavvy Folks!

As you know, my husband is a professional photographer and has a couple fancy Canon DSLRs and lots of fancy looking lenses and stuff. I’m scared to touch any of it – it’s expensive, it’s heavy, and I have no photography skills. Some people have a black thumb for gardening, I have a black shutter… Continue Reading Friday Favorite: Samsung NX 3000 Camera – Perfect for Camera-Unsavvy Folks!

Learning from You: Changes to Wardrobe Oxygen thanks to Reader Survey Feedback

Learning from You: Changes to Wardrobe Oxygen thanks to Reader Survey Feedback

Last month I started an anonymous reader survey and the feedback has been AH-MAY-ZING! You all have been so great, sharing ideas, telling me what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d love to see. Each time Survey Monkey has emailed me letting me know I have new responses I get excited. I’m… Continue Reading Learning from You: Changes to Wardrobe Oxygen thanks to Reader Survey Feedback

Pay No Attention to that Blogger Behind the Curtain

When I started blogging, I was amazed by the community. Blogging made the world feel so much smaller. There were folks in the Ukraine listening to the same music as I, women in Australia with the same figure sharing their style tips, ladies in Brazil whose lives felt so very much like my own. Blogs… Continue Reading Pay No Attention to that Blogger Behind the Curtain