
Our RennFest Weekend

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Every year we try to attend the Maryland Renaissance Festival at least once, however once we had a baby it has been harder to find the time. This was the last weekend of the season and last minute we decided to go and take Emerson – she's old enough to not need a stroller, we don't need a diaper bag full of equipment, and we knew she'd get a big kick out of wearing her crown and princess dress and have people greet her as Princess.

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Emerson and her royal court head to the car.ย  As soon as she heard she was going she just HAD to round up her favorite toys!ย  We ended up getting there around 12:45 and parked in the very far back.ย  Lots of “Are we there yet?” on the walk to the gate.ย  Once there, Karl put E on his shoulders so she could get a lay of the land.

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We went and caught a comedy show, figuring it would balance out the insanity of entering where all the food stands are located.ย  Didn't help, Emerson was pretty overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.ย  We mainly walked in a circle, she asked to get her face painted but at the last minute decided she wanted the art on her arm.ย  We splurged and got her a “princess hat” which made her feel very regal.

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Two hours was more than enough with a three-year-old, so after a loop, some Italian ice in an orange peel, and a view of the elephant from afar, we headed back to the parking lot.ย  On our way out we met up with the “King and Queen” and their royal service dog; the “King” was very kind and pulled a toy ring from his pouch and placed on Emerson's hand.ย  He called her Princess and it was better than any other part of the day.

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Princess Emerson at the royal gates.ย  On the walk back to the car, she waved at everyone, yelling, “Greetings!ย  Greetings everyone!!”

I think next year will be a better experience for Emerson, in fact I look forward to her attending and remembering the positive parts of this year's adventure!

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A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. We are big RennFest fans, too. We’ve taken Julia every year since she was a 5-month-old in daddy’s baby backpack. Half a day is usually our max, too. It’s funny what appeals to kids at different ages. This year, at 8, was the first that Julia didn’t want her face painted–and last year was the first that she was old enough to sit still for the hair braiding. But the bubble wand booth is a perennial favorite!

  2. I love the pics of Emerson at the gates, so beautiful. Every girl should get to be a princess at least once a year. Get this child a Baby Wardrobe Oxygen blog…lol.

  3. Oh my goodness she is so adorable in that hat! (and I really want a hat like that myself!). I’m so inspired by you guys continuing to enjoy life (including things you did pre-baby) instead of just settling into a routine of work, staying home and that’s all.

  4. Love this, especially her hat! We used to go to Renfest when we lived in DC (I still have the corset to prove it…) and now take our kids to King Richard’s Faire up in MA. My younger son has been a knight the better part of two years now, so it was great to go and actually be formally knighted by King Richard himself…

  5. Oh, she is so adorable, and I love how she greeted everyone! We’ve definitely adapted our expectations since having two boys, too, and a couple of hours somewhere feels like a day’s adventure now.

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