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Picture 003Picture 004Not really feeling this dress but it was essentially free (will post about it within the week). Also woke up feeling a bit achy and icky so not in the best mood for a bold print.

Olian Maternity – Brown print jersey wrap dress
Silhouettes – Brown suede boots
Silver hoops

Day 3 – needs a trim

Laura Mercier – Flawless Face Kit in Sand
Cargo – Matte BeachBlush in Tenerife
Body Shop – Shimmer Cubes in Warmth (peach on lid, chocolate in crease and along lash lines)
Victoria's Secret – Lip Gloss in French Kiss
Cover Girl – Lash Blast mascara in Rich Black
Bath & Body Works – Breathe Energy Body Spray (needed something more green and energizing than my usual Burberry London)

I think this is proof positive that it does make a difference what your colors are. I know many people pooh-pooh at knowing “your colors” or “season.” I often like to wear orange and warm tones because they are pleasing to my eye and full of energy. However you can see the difference between today and yesterday how I am obviously a Winter and look best in cool tones. My face doesn't look bad… but it looks far better when in grays and pinks and cool shades. ๐Ÿ™‚ Think next time the dress will be worn with a pump and with some cool toned makeup… and a haircut!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I hear ya – sometimes it can be so hard to reject colors that make you happy on sight … but make you ill-looking on-body! For what it’s worth, I adore this print on you. So fun and lively, and a great, dark contrast to your creamy skin.

  2. Hey, before I clicked on this today I asked myself, “scarf or necklace.” When that bold print came up I actually felt a lift in spirits. I have just about stopped wearing prints at work to look more polished, per your advice, but sometimes a print is just what the fashion doctor ordered.

  3. I actually really like the dress…especially with the boots.

    I haven’t commented before, but I’m a fairly regular reader and so I tagged you for an “I Love Your Blog” award. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Now that I have taken a walk and been out and about, I like the dress more. I just am not a bold print type of gal, especially when I am so round! ๐Ÿ™‚

    This morning I was late because I think I tried every necklace and scarf I owned with this! I have a chunky turquoise necklace that ALMOST worked but it cut off the neckline making me look a bit stuffed. My long ivory and wood bead necklaces from Limited coordinated, but didn’t add to the look. I feel as though I need a long thin gold chain with some sort of aqua pendant… just not really looking to spend any money right now with a baby arriving in two months! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Love the dress and you look great in it!! If you feel it is too dull then maybe a nice chunky turquoise necklace or scarf would add the bit of zip you’re looking for. You and I have similar colouring and I love brown and earth tones but often feel they are difficult to wear in the fall when I’m getting paler and paler… ๐Ÿ™

  6. I know what you mean about the season thing- I am a warm girl. BUT having said that- this dress on you is still fab. Yes, when you compare the other colors on you in other pics, you “glow” more. But not a reason to give up on the dress….

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