Back Tomorrow…

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Sorry I have been MIA, due to the house remodel a line was cut and we haven't had Internet or phone for about a week. We're trying to fix it; in the mean time I am typing from my mom's.

I was out of work on Wednesday due to severely swollen feet and hip pain. All is fine, blood pressure is good so the swelling is just gravity in full force. Gotta keep the feet up more (easier said than done when the house is in upheaval and I still am working…).

Thanksgiving was lovely – we had 11 people at my mom's house and it was a great time. I hope everyone else had as nice of a holiday.

Friday I got a prenatal massage (present to myself) which really has helped with the back spasms, hip pain and all over wellbeing. If anyone lives in the Columbia/Baltimore, MD area and is looking for a great masseuse, send me an email. Very impressed! Afterwards I met up with my mom and sister at Columbia Mall where I did about 30 minutes of window shopping (all Christmas shopping is being done on the Internet), and then we went to Cheesecake Factory where I had my very favorite dish – the roasted artichoke! After my sister and I went to a few shops looking at lighting fixtures for the house and crashed early.

Saturday, I can hardly remember it. Oh yes, the contractors were there and we just needed a break from drywall dust and hammering. We spent the day at my mom's – kept my feet up, drank lots of water, watched some TV, took a nap and got much needed R&R.

Sunday, the contractors took the day off (these guys are hard working – they even worked on Thanksgiving!) so my husband and I got a day to examine paint chips in the rooms, take a nap, watch TV, do a bit of cleaning and chilling.

Today I took PTO because my midwife appointment was at 11am and an hour away from work. Just got back – all is well and I am healthy as a horse, measuring right, yadda yadda. I will now be having weekly appointments! I am at my mom's checking in with work email and paying bills but plan on going to home to lift up these poor swollen feet and getting some other stuff done. Tomorrow I am back to work so will be posting pictures from the past week or so.

See you then! ๐Ÿ™‚

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. My sister is in early pregnancy and she is also petite. I’m thinking of getting her a Bella Band for christmas — do you have any suggestions/feedback? Did you find it allowed you to wear your regular cloths longer? Is it comfortable? Any suggestions on sizing? Did you have issues with it riding up or down?

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! I cant wait to see the daily wardrobe of your little one too ๐Ÿ™‚ yeah i am doing the internet thing to, seems like you get such better deals AND you can avoid all the long lines and nasty people who hip check you into the wall so they can get the newest thing..

  3. Hi Allie,

    Just came by to check on you. I know that baby girl is due any day now and I can’t wait to see the pictures. I know it getting kinda close and all and I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. Keep those feet elevated.

    We’re waiting on that baby! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Seems like a lots happening! The baby must be coming VERY soon!

    I’ve heard that soaking your feet for a while does some wonders. Don’t know if it’s true but I thought I’d share.

    Hope everything continues to go well!

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