2007 Blog Action Day

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Bloggers Unite - Blog Action DayWhat if every blog wrote about the same topic on the same day? what impact would it have? What change could us bloggers make?

This coming Monday, October 15th, join me and over 10,000 bloggers and write about the same topic – the environment. It's a topic that we're all talking about, and many of us want to do more to help.

From Blog Action Day:
On October 15th – Blog Action Day, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone's mind.

In its inaugural year, Blog Action Day will be co-ordinating bloggers to tackle the issue of the environment.

What Each Blogger Will Do
Bloggers can participate on Blog Action Day in one of two ways:

1. Publish a post on their blog which relates to an issue of their own choice pertaining to the environment.

For example: A blog about money might write about how to save around the home by using environmentally friendly ideas. Similarly a blog about politics might examine what weight environmental policy holds in the political arena.

Posts do not need to have any specific agenda, they simply need to relate to the larger issue in whatever way suits the blogger and readership. Our aim is not to promote one particular viewpoint, only to push the issue to the table for discussion.

2. Commit to donating their day’s advertising earnings to an environmental charity of their choice. There is a list of “official” Blog Action Day charities on the site, however bloggers are also free to choose an alternate environmental charity to donate to if they wish.

And that’s it.

I really cannot think of a single theme blog who cannot write about the environment and not have it be relevant to their topic and their readers. I know the majority of you who do read this blog write somewhere else – you may have your own blog on fashion and beauty, a personal online journal, maybe a Facebook or MySpace page where you sometimes post your thoughts. I encourage all of you, no matter the size of your readership to participate or at least promote this campaign.

And if you do take part, leave a comment with a link to your blog so we can all share in your ideas and thoughts!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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