Friday Favorite: Dry Brushing

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dry brushing benefit - wardrobe oxygenWhy do we start good habits and let them slide? There’s no truth in the 21 days/31 days/3 months to make a habit bunk. I think we can all recall a diet, morning workout routine, plan to make our bed, or drink lots of water that went by the wayside. For me, it was dry brushing. And if you read this post about dry brushing from 2014, it went by the wayside for me TWICE!

Well I’m back, baby, and I wonder why I ever fell off the dry brushing bandwagon. I’ve been dry brushing almost every morning since February and the change is DRAMATIC. Yes, I am using dramatic words like DRAMATIC in all caps, it’s that uber of a change.

Such a DRAMATIC change that I just pet my arm while typing this and it’s all silky smooth and this morning I was running mega late and didn’t put on moisturizer after my shower AND I used some crappy drugstore shower gel full of drying chemicals because I’m out of my good stuff and trying to clear out the linen closet.

So DRAMATIC that I have been able to cut down my caffeine intake in the morning thanks to it and Hanah One. I now have half a cup of coffee, and some mornings go without any at all!

So DRAMATIC that all the icky little tiny bumps on my triceps that look like zits or bug bites are GONE.

See? Isn’t that some DRAMATIC shizz that deserves a DRAMATIC WORD IN ALL CAPS?

The best part? It doesn’t cost a zillion dollars, it isn’t found only in New York City, and it’s gluten free, vegan, soy free, and calorie free!

You can read my post here for the deets. I haven’t re-read the book that I mentioned in that post, I remember most of it. I am still using the same brush, though it’s getting soft from use and washing and I think it’s time for a replacement. But I have a habit of how I brush:

  • I start with my right arm (it still gets babied more than my left even though it’s completely healed and happy), and brush the top of my hand and then strokes all over my forearm up to my elbow
  • Scrub the heck out of the elbow, then strokes all over my upper arm even into my armpit and up my shoulder to neck
    Then the left arm
  • Then I stroke from nape and ears and chin down my neck to collarbone
  • Then I do swirls from the center of my chest across the top of my breasts towards each armpit
  • Then I lift up the breasts (because gravity y’all) and swipe the bottom of them down to mid-torso
  • Then I lift up the tummy (because babies and gravity y’all) and swipe up
  • Then I brush my abdomen counter-clockwise
  • Then I do my left leg, same concept as my arms. Top of feet and up to knees, scrub the knees
  • Then the thigh, and a good scrubbing of the butt cheeks
  • Then I use the long handle to swipe up from hips to armpits, and try to get as much of my back and shoulders as possible.

Some people brush the bottoms of their feet and hands, some do the face (which I have done before but now just do with my Clarisonic, there’s a lot of different methods but the main goal is to brush towards your heart. It helps with circulation, it exfoliates, makes the skin glow, gives you a bit of a pick-me-up (hence the reduced coffee) and only takes a couple minutes. Some say it helps reduce cellulite… I haven't really noticed this myself but I'm also not really looking (even supermodels have cellulite).  It may tickle or hurt at first if you use a brush like mine, it’s okay when you start to be extremely gentle, you’ll get comfortable with it and may end up like me where you look forward to scrubbing the heck out of your elbows. Karl’s doing it too, and has seen a benefit in how his skin looks and feels. We’re reminding one another, and hopefully we’ll keep this habit up. Third time’s a charm?

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. Agreed about how easy it is to lose a good habit. Last summer, I was going to Pilates class twice a week religiously. Then, I developed a pinched nerve and had to stop for a while I rested and went to physical therapy. Now, that I feel better, getting myself to go on a regular basis is proving to be impossible.

  2. I ordered a brush…you’re going to make me healthier yet! 🙂 I have been working through the premenopause book you recommended this week as well.

    1. I FINALLY finished the book on my flight to LA. Found the first half of the book was more pertinent to me, the second half was more for specific issues and disorders. But still using my progesterone cream and it’s AWESOME!

  3. So it sounds like you have keratosis pilaris too, the bumps on the back of your arm. I was just a dermatologist’s office for a mole and they asked if it bothered me. Yes! Always has. The prescribed something that my insurance was not going to pay for, over $200! The dr said it’s just the way I am, can’t do anything permanent about it. The brushing sounds like it will help. How hard do you use it on your tricep area?

    1. I started very lightly, but I’ve increased intensity as my comfort has increased. I get it more in the winter, and I would sometimes swirl the brush to get that area better, if you try it, trust your body to let you know when you can increase intensity, it shouldn’t hurt. 🙂

    2. I have this also. Dry brushing helps for sure- I too have stopped and started it a few times! The only other thing that has worked for me is am lactin lotion. If I apply every other day, the bumps disappear!!

  4. I popped over to your other post and saw the ebook. Thanks for the recommendation! It was free as part of my kindle unlimited subscription. 🙂

  5. I was just eyeballing my dry brush this morning. It’s been hanging in the shower so I feel like I should probably clean it. It’s amazing how quickly my skin got used to the bristles when I first started using it. I went from ouchy to scrubby in a matter of days. I really need to get back into it again. It’s so weird how perfectly easy, enjoyable, healthy activities get dropped. If I spent 5 minutes a day with my Melt roller and 3 minutes with my dry brush my body would be so happy! Thanks for the inspiration!

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