True Fashionista: Interview with Angie Cox of YouLookFab
There’s some people who like fashion, and there’s some who live and breathe it, understand it, research it, and share their passion and knowledge with others. Those folk who understand proportion, why Emerald is the hot color of the year, how that Forever 21 dress was made and what designer inspired the print and silhouette, the history behind the styles we all love. A person who knows and loves all this and has fabulous personal style? That’s the epitome of a True Fashionista, and that’s a great description for Angie Cox of YouLookFab.

I’ve been blogging for many years, and through that time I have encountered many bloggers who have inspired me. But Angie has been one who has inspired me since the first time I found YouLookFab and still today. Without her knowing, Angie has been a mentor to me as a blogger, reminding me to be true to what I believe and not the trends, that not every blog reader desires the same type of blog, and that in the words of Coco Chanel, fashion fades and only style remains the same.
I can remember when YouLookFab was a traditional blog; I came across it soon after I started my own blog and felt as though I met a virtual kindred spirit who read the same style books, liked the same retailers, had the same thoughts about fashion and style. When Angie started sharing her personal style, it was awesome to see a woman with a completely different figure, different personal style, different lifestyle, but translate our similar thoughts in such a clear manner. Yes, I visited the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to revisit older versions of YLF when writing this, and many of her posts I can remember as though I read them yesterday, and still are good advice in 2013.
When the blogosphere gets a bit too crazy and trendy and competitive, I look to Angie and YouLookFab to remind me that you can achieve success and still be authentic and connected to your readers. Over the years, Angie (and her fab husband Greg) have taken YLF from a basic WordPress blog to an entire community. Not just blog posts of Angie’s clothes and style advice, YLF has shopping resources and one of the most interactive and helpful forums I have found online. YLF readers can create their own blogs, they have very active threads where members can even link series of photos and links and request advice. The YLF newsletter is one I don’t delete before reading as it breaks down the posts of the week into topic and Angie summarizes the themes that connect the posts. I could go on, but I know many of you readers are YLF readers and members and could better explain the YLF community!
Angie is a True Fashionista because she knows her personal style so well, yet is able to assist others in finding their own distinct style. She can wear things I would never dream of but make them look clean, crisp, and easy. As her community has grown, she has stayed true to her vision about style and truly cares about her readers and community members. I was so excited when Angie agreed to be a part of the True Fashionista series, here are her answers to the same five questions I ask:
How would you describe your personal style?
I've just coined the descriptor “Urban Prince”. With very short hair, I am a Ladylike Prince – not a Princess :). Lots of Refinement. Lots of Inner Punk. Minimal. Modern Classic. Graphic. Crisp. Strict. My look is equal parts Boyish and Ladylike, with a little Romance and Preppy thrown into the mix. No jewelry. Low heels or flats. I sometimes wear distressed items but I'm not a Rugged Warrior. I am Polished even when I scrunch my sleeves, faux tuck oversized tops or wear Dr. Martens.
Where did you get your passion for fashion?
From home. I grew up with a very stylish Mum. I'm 42 and have been in the Rag Trade for twenty years, predominantly as a fashion buyer, but as a fashion stylist for the past seven years. Fashion and style is officially part of my soul.
Where do you find sartorial inspiration?
First and foremost, on the street. Nothing inspires my own style more than street style and blogs on street style. Also runway shows, retailers, and all the over 50 year olds on our forum.
What is the difference between fashion and style?
Fashion is what you buy – style is *how* you wear the fashion that you buy. In other words, fashion inspires us, but style sets us apart. We are finally living in a fashion era that is accepting and encouraging of all sorts of outfit juxtapositions and silhouettes. That means that style plays a larger role than fashion ever has. Long may it last.
Any advice for a woman who is starting to find her personal style?
You'll find helpful guidelines on how to get started all over the show. From books, blogs and other great resources. The point I want to drive home is that you must have fun on each leg of your style journey because that's the only rule you aren't allowed to break. I am also continuously asking my clients how they feel when they wear certain outfits because the happiness-factor is as important as its fit, colour and proportions. Sometimes it takes a while to pinpoint what it is about an outfit that makes us happy, but it’s worth pondering this question for future reference. After all, a big part of life is about reaching a state of happiness.
The purpose of the Friday True Fashionista series is to show women who use clothing to express their personal style. Each woman has a different, unique look and opinion on clothing and fashion. These women inspire me in my clothing choices, and possibly their bold sartorial statements will inspire you. Stay tuned, there will be a featured True Fashionista every Friday. And if you know of a True Fashionista in your life, tell us about her in the comments… you never know she may end up being featured!
After seeing this on here, I spent most of my weekend going through her style archives. I’ve been following her on twitter for years, but as you know its impossible to keep up with the people we follow on twitter, especially when you follow several hundred of them and missed out on all of her inspiring style posts. Thanks for reintroducing me.
Allie, awesome post. I have been part of the YLF Community now for almost two years and Angie’s support, encouragement, advice and wisdom has been invaluable. And as a bonus, I have made new friends right around he world who share my a passion for style. It’s lovely to see you feature Angie and Greg here and so cool to hear one blogger share how she has been impacted by another. I am newish reader of your blog and am really enjoy it. The appeal for me is definitely your authenticity and that you wear what you know works for you rather than drowning yourself in every trend that comes our way.
I love her style – and have added her blog to one that I must read. Now, I just need to remind myself that her hair is perfect on her and would be terrible on me… before mistakes are made.
Allie, I am humbled and in awe of your very thorough and generous tribute to youlookfab. THANK YOU so much. xo
LOVE this post and richly deserved praise for Angie, Greg and YouLookFab! YouLookFab is a special place and most special of all are Angie and Greg, who have created a community that is, bar none, the best online community I’ve ever found. Angie is more than a style icon (which I think she absolutely is), she is a giving individual and killer stylist who cares more about her readers than herself. Greg is the wizard behind the curtain who makes the magic happen, and together they are a force to be reckoned with! Thank you so much for recognizing Angie, and for writing so beautifully about her.
She have a great personality and always guide us from the mom jeans!!!!!!! and give us great advice which most of the blogs talk about ME and forget about the followers…her website is a huge community from 15 and up and we talk on the forums from fashion to diffucult times …The girls are like a bra support u no matter what and we see all different inspiration in fashion from street to punk glam!!!
*away from mom jeans lol
I love Angie and her You Look Fab site! It was the first place that really helped me hone in on what I needed to do differently to have the wardrobe and style I wanted to have. She is incredibly helpful, always kind and encouraging, and keeps the forum a happy and fun place. I have had to cut way back on time spent online and I miss it terribly!
I thought my iPhone had loaded the wrong page when I saw Angie. I am a regular follower of both You Look Fab and Wardrobe Oxygen (they are bookmarked one after the other) and they are two of my favorite blogs. Thanks for featuring Angie. I love her style and she is a great teacher. Her postings are educational as well as fun.