Weekend Reads #196

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Asantewa by Bisa Butler. To learn more about Bisa Butler, check out this article on Artsy or this article on NPR.

Weekend Reads

LGBTQ+ artists and those with disabilities see Etsy as a lifeline – that’s why they’re on strike. (The 19th)

Being mean online is the same as being mean IRL. (Embedded)

Musings on the village and identity by a not-so-rich, childfree aunt. (The Remix)

Viola Davis, inside out. (New York Times Magazine)

This dog knows 40 commands and can play cards. A hospital hired him. (Washington Post)

When did reading become a competitive sport? (The Cut)

TikTok is testing a dislike button for comments. (The Verge)

The best skincare trick is being rich. (The Atlantic)

Internet ‘algospeak’ is changing our language in real time, from ‘nip nops’ to ‘le dollar bean’. (Washington Post)

How life changes when your children move out. (Crow's Feet for Medium)

What's shame got to do with it? (New York Times)

Why workplaces need to actively support employees in menopause—and how they can do so. (Well + Good)

Why are people with no social media so damn hot? (Dazed)

How a forgotten bit of infrastructure became a symbol of civic pride in Baltimore. (The New Yorker)

In a vulnerable media economy, journalists are demanding ownership of their work. (Poynter)

Why doesn't the IRS just send us a tax bill? (City Paper)

Does traveling to every country count if you don’t post on the Internet? (Washington Post)

TikTok is suddenly obsessed with living like a middle-aged divorcé. (Buzzfeed)

How everyone got so lonely. (The New Yorker)

And thrilled to see my friend Tashira in Ebony: Virginia launches new campaign to boost tourism and uplift local Black creators. (Ebony)


killing eve season 4

We've been catching up on Killing Eve. We watched the first three seasons and never got around to the fourth until we realized our DVR had been recording it for us. Killing Eve is a series we got into late because the idea of a show about an assassin didn't sound like our thing. But gosh the cast is phenomenal, the fashion for some characters is phenomenal, and it's really funny and brilliant and shocking and just very well done.

mean girls musical tour

This week my daughter, sister, and I went to see the musical Mean Girls at The Kennedy Center in DC. Based off the movie, Mean Girls the musical is really cute, has a great message, a talented cast, and catchy songs. I love the use of screens to change the background and add to the moment; I kept thinking of how screens are an investment but once you have it, it's so much cheaper and faster than creating completing sets and there is so much more opportunity.

I am so glad we went, and my daughter absolutely adored it! Mean Girls touring across the United States through 2022; click here to see if it's coming to a city near you.

under the influence podcast

I am still enjoying the podcast, Under the Influence. The most recent episode gets into decor bloggers and influencers, which I know many of you follow. Other recent episodes discuss teacher influencers, nurse and medical professional influencers, and the business of fertility influencers.

Even if you don't follow such accounts, I think this is an important topic to understand. The majority of influencers are women, and the majority of those who consume influencer content are women. There is little regulation in this field, lots of competition, money, scams, and constant change. Influencing isn't going away, and even if you're not on Instagram or TikTok you're still consuming the content of influencers as brands find ways to infuse the power of influencer marketing into other media.

And even if you feel you're beyond all this, the younger generations are being more influenced by influencers than we were by TV commercials for Toys R Us, Virginia Slims, Toninos, and Coppertone. I feel it is important to be an informed consumer, and no time more than now do we have the power as consumers to understand what we are consuming, how it came to be, the business behind it, etc.

It doesn't mean you need to listen to this podcast, which really only hits the surface and is hosted by someone a little bit enamored by influencers; but consider digging a bit deeper. Those segments on that morning news show where they showcase products at a special price… that is affiliate marketing. Those articles on your favorite website about investing for women… it's likely paid promotion. The fashion marketed to you when you open Amazon, the women in that deodorant commercial, the reason you now see TV ads for brands like Jennie Kayne, that New York Times bestselling self-help book by a woman you've never heard of… you have influencers to thank for them.

For Your Entertainment

This goes out to all the members of the stressed and sexy support group… here's your hype song from Lizzo to remind you that you may not be the same person you used to be (you might be better) and everything is going to be all right!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I ordered that Chico’s dress based on your recommendation and love it– thank you!

    Emerson has gotten so tall! I’ve gotten so old!

  2. Ok, so I love the Coastal Grandmother millennial! “You can never have too many button downs.” LOL
    I keep trying to get into TikTok, but hasn’t happened yet. But, it seems like there is a ton of creative stuff on there.
    Lizzo is so great. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That article on algo-speak opened my eyes to the fact that “panettone” and other synonyms for what we’re living through aren’t just cutesy but are ways to communicate around algorithms. You are pretty much the only influencer I follow so I always thought those were just linguistic ways to communicate a sense of “I know we’re all over this but…” Live and learn!

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