What I Wore Off the Blog: Casual Looks Edition
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What I Wore Off the Blog: Casual Looks Edition

The self-timer on my iPhone and this handy (and nicely priced) Bluetooth phone remote have helped me capture more of what I’ve worn off the blog.  These are all casual looks as my nicer ensembles got captured and shared as true outfit posts.  What I wear on weekends, early mornings, when I’m sick, and when… Continue Reading What I Wore Off the Blog: Casual Looks Edition

I Started Weight Training One Year Ago: The Results
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I Started Weight Training One Year Ago: The Results

A year ago, I was in the worst shape of my life. At 5’3” I was a bit over 200 lbs. I had back pain, knee pain, and occasionally got migraines. My allergies were terrible, I was always tired and felt as though I was living life in a fog. I’ve never been athletic, but… Continue Reading I Started Weight Training One Year Ago: The Results