Wardrobe Essentials – Your Undergarments

Wardrobe Essentials – Your Undergarments

A gorgeous designer dress in your size and your best color. The perfect bracelet and earrings to compliment it. Fabulous shoes that make your legs look a mile long. Your hair is being very good to you – thick, shiny and manageable. Not a blemish on your peaches and cream complexion. Your trips to the… Continue Reading Wardrobe Essentials – Your Undergarments

What is Business Casual? How to Navigate this Dress Code

What is Business Casual? How to Navigate this Dress Code

I walk the halls of my office building, observe my fellow women on the Metro, walking to their workplace, and event in the line at Chipotle for lunch and I have come to the conclusion: no one understands what is business casual. Seriously, what is business casual and how do we navigate this dress code,… Continue Reading What is Business Casual? How to Navigate this Dress Code

Tuesday’s Tip – Quick Tips to Look and Feel Great This Summer

1. Replace your facial moisturizer with a lighter weight or oil free version. Your skin doesn’t require as much nourishment in the hot and humid months. This change will make your makeup apply and last better and help keep your skin clear. Of course your moisturizer should have at least an SPF of 15! 2.… Continue Reading Tuesday’s Tip – Quick Tips to Look and Feel Great This Summer